Amici's Exciting News!

We have exciting news to share!
As of today, Amici Camping Charity has a new look and will now be known as Amici Children’s Camp Charity providing a clear and concise understanding of who we support and what we provide.
Along with this change comes a new visual identity that better showcases the activities, environment and unique community associated with camp life. Check out how the green of the forest, blue of the waterways, orange of a glowing campfire and yellow of summer sunshine embody the camp spirit and together better capture the essence of what Amici is all about.
We hope you are as excited as we are and we are confident this new visual identity will help us generate more awareness of Amici. This will help us foster new partnerships within the camping community ensuring the support of our donors will have an even deeper impact on the children we support.
Thank you for your continued support of Amici. We would not be in the strong position we are in without our generous community of partner camps, donors, sponsors, community partners, board members and volunteers.
Why are you changing your name from Amici Camping Charity to Amici Children’s Camp Charity?
Our new name provides our community with a clearer and more concise understanding of who we support and what we provide.
Why are you changing your logo?
As an organization, we want to deepen our impact by supporting more campers. After seeking input from donors, partner camps, volunteers, families and friends we decided to update our visual identity to one which tells Amici’s story of what we do and who we support.
How did you decide on your new logo?
Our new logo captures the activities, environment and unique community associated with camp life. The green of the forest, blue of the waterways, orange of a glowing campfire and yellow of summer sunshine embody the camp spirit and together better capture the essence of what Amici is all about.
When is the new logo official?
As of April 18th, 2023, we are using our new logo. We are in the process of officially changing our name with the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”), but for now the CRA still recognizes us as Amici Camping Charity.
What name do we make donation cheques to?
Please make your cheque payable to Amici Children's Camp Charity.
What name will be on tax receipts?
Tax receipts will be issued by Amici Children's Camp Charity.
Will tax receipts from Amici Camping Charity be accepted after the name change?
Yes, any tax receipts issued by Amici Camping Charity before the CRA officially changes the name will be accepted by the CRA for tax purposes.
What has changed for Amici?
While Amici has an updated look and name, we still have the same mission and vision. At Amici’s core is the desire to foster personal growth and life-long skills in children with financial need through multi-year access to the unique environment of camp. We are grateful to Amici's incredible community of partner camps, donors, sponsors, volunteers, community partners, camp enthusiasts and to our founding camp, Kilcoo Camp, for making Amici the organization that we have all grown into today. Thank you, thank you, thank you!